Orchestre instrument de musique à vent
Musicians, let’s combine our talents
Each of our accessories is a world to discover
Unique and valuable knowledge

Ours accessories for wind musical instruments

In a tradition of craftsmanship and high technology HEROUARD & BENARD and RC TAMPONS MUSIQUE offer you a wide range of accessories for wind musical instruments : ligatures, caps,  « Chanu »pads, harness, straps, BeBop, mouthpieces, mouthpieces-cushions, swabs, natural cork products,  synthétic cork products, springs and flat springs.

Last actualities

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Hérouard & Bénard and R. Chanu Tampons musique

Study, creation and manufacturer of accessories for wind musical instruments for the most  prestigious instruments manufacturer in France and world wide: ligatures, caps, pads "Chanu", harness, straps, mouthpieces, mouthpieces cushions, natural cork  products, synthetic cork products, flat springs, springs. our accessories designed and manufactured under "HB" and "Chanu" brand are available at distributors, music stores, instruments repair shops in France and around the world.

7 Rue Jourdain

(33) 237647162 - (33) 237647959

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