
Born in 1982Thibaut Canaval began music at the age of ten at the Saint Maur des Fossés He studied the saxophone there with Jean Olivier and Nicolas Prost Seven years later he obtained his musical studies diploma unanimously with the congratulationsof the jury and left to improve with Jean Yves Fourmeau and Vincent David

Winner of numerous European competitions such as Gap, Leopold Bellan, Saint-Nom-la-Breteche, he was also a grant holderfrom the lion’s Club foundation Very attracted by teaching, he joined Cefedem of Ile de France and receive his state diploma in 2006

Thibaut Canaval divides his activity between teaching, concerts and the organization of eventsto promote the saxophone. Professor in the Paris region, he is alsothe founder of the Saxo Voce ensemble and artistic director of the virtuosity and Interpretation Course, the international Saxo Voce competition and a summer academy which attracts students from all over the world

Collaborating with the best concert artist and teachers, he performs in Europe, Japan and Taiwan and was recently entrusted with the director of a collestion at Soldano Editions. Artist supported by “De la musique avant toute chose” foundation and the Herouard &Benard, Henri Selmer,and Vandoren establisments He is dedicatee of numerous works for saxophone written in particular byThierry Escaich, Karol Beffa, Olivier Kaspar, Guillaume Connesson, Philippe Hersant, Johan Farjot, André Bon, Bertrand Peigné, Fabien Cali, Claude Georgel, Philippe Geiss, Jean-Denis Michat, Gilles Martin, Émile Lukas, Patrice Morandeau et Matthieu Alvado.

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Hérouard & Bénard and R. Chanu Tampons musique

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